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The Power of Music To Uplift, Connect & Unify

A community music jam around a bonfire.
Fireside Music Jam

Hello Readers,

I hope everyone's 2025 is fairing well! I've been torn between excitement for a new beginning and fear about the future given the world's condition and the climate emergency. There's no question that we are living through a time of transformation. It's been described as the chaos, chrysalis state right before the caterpillar becomes the butterfly.

We’re suffering from an existential crisis of separation and disconnection. 

People are starving for deeper meaning, connection and a sense of purpose.

As old systems collapse, artists, musicians, and storytellers are called to emerge and to help envision something different. To write the story of a new world and to help us imagine what it would feel like.

One of my sources of inspiration, information and connection ever since the pandemic hit has been the Accidental Gods podcast. I was inspired a few years ago from one of the episodes I heard with Manda Scott and Rob Hopkins to finally write my first song, "If We All Just Got It Right." Have a listen! 👇🏻

From that episode I went on to buy his book "From What Is To What If" and after a year my first original (well, technically my second) song was born.

When COVID struck, I longed to write a song about my emotions, but I kept telling myself, "I'm not a good writer. Writing is difficult." I wanted to create a piece that encouraged people to IMAGINE the world they desire and that sparked their imaginations through the potent medium of a song. It took a year for that song to finally materialize, thanks to me ignoring my inner critic and persevering. Since then I've played it for many crowds and have even seen a few tears shed. A friend of mine, whom I greatly respect musically, went as far as to say it's the "Imagine" of today, and he's quite conservative with his compliments.

Writing a song was my way of contributing to the vision of a new world. Music and song possess the power to bring us together, break down barriers, and inspire change. Even something as small as writing a song can create a ripple effect that leads to significant change. I'm not claiming my song will save humanity, but perhaps it will ignite inspiration that could lead to something beyond my imagination.

The Healing Power of Music

Music serves a greater purpose beyond entertainment; it can heal. During difficult times, I've found that music can be an aid, a companion, to get me through. Whether I'm listening to it or playing it, music is a powerful tool for healing the heart and soul.

It is astounding how, through music, we can discover a profound sense of unity and harmony. During the pandemic many of us, including myself, experienced intense isolation. In order to combat that I would gather on my friend's front porch every Wednesday where we would sit outside and play music together with her parents and whoever else wanted to join.

I came across a beautiful piece written by Mamuse called "We Shall Be Known" and taught it to everyone. This piece became a meditation in a way, for all of us. We sang and recorded it in various environments but this version is my favorite and one of the actual musical Wednesday porch sessions we had during the pandemic.

Jen of Bellagram Telegrams holding a ukulele, gathered with two other women, one holding a phone with her sister on the other end, and the other, an older woman and recipient of the Bellagram, seated holding a personalized telegram. Cozy, joyful scene.
Betty's Christmas Bellagram

An inspiring example of music's healing power occurred on Christmas Day. I was hired by two sisters to deliver a singing telegram and perform Christmas carols for their mother, who suffers from dementia. One sister was out of state, while the other met me there. What unfolded was a heartfelt moment that will remain in our memories. Their sole wish was to bring joy to their mom, who hadn't smiled in a long time, through the unique gift of singing together, and that's exactly what happened. Betty sang along, spirits were lifted and tears were shed. I feel so blessed to do what I do.

Celebrating the Journey of Music

Throughout my life, certain songs have resonated deeply within me, often giving voice to emotions I found hard to express. U2 was one of those bands who's songs just hit the right chords with me as a young, angsty teen. Specifically, "In God's Country" from the album Joshua Tree. That band was able to calm and sooth my emotional state. Thinking back on your own life, which bands helped shape you?

Reflecting on my journey, it's clear that music has been a steadfast companion. It guides me toward connection and understanding, serving as a powerful tool to unite myself with others and with myself.

Through life's ups and downs, music teaches us that our hearts can resonate together, even when our paths differ.

A group that I'd like to give a shout out to is  Braver Angels. They're doing amazing work and leading the nation’s largest cross-partisan, volunteer-led movement to bridge the partisan divide for the good of our democratic republic. On January 20th they'll be launching a new kind of online community space designed as a hub where organizations, artists, and anyone passionate about using music and the arts to bridge political divides can come together to share ideas, problem solve together, and support one another. Learn more....

Let’s celebrate music's power—an eternal force that unites humanity, transcending boundaries, cultures, and time. May we continue to harmonize our hearts through the rhythms of this beautiful art form.


Bellagram Telegrams © 2019

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